Climate Launchpad
ClimateLaunchpad (‘CLP’) is the world’s largest green business ideas competition. Our mission is to unlock the world’s cleantech potential that addresses climate change. The competition helps teams to transform their cleantech idea to a sustainable business model and eventually turn it into reality. Fixing climate change, one start-up at a time. TheBC.lab together with Javeriana […]
Concordia Coalition on Innovative Finance
The Concordia Innovative Financing Coalition (CIFC) serves as an organizer of Concordia-led discussions related to the deployment, evolution, or establishment of new funding streams directed towards the financing of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Officially launched at the 2018 Concordia Annual Summit, the CIFC aims to bridge “talk” with “action” and catalyze investment into impactful […]
Impact2030 & Human Capital
IMPACT2030 was founded in response to UN Resolution A/RES/66/67, which called on the United Nations to further engage with the private sector “through the expansion of corporate volunteering and employee volunteer activities”. We are activating a global movement of #Employees4SDGs; facilitating avenues for cross-sector and cross-industry collective action at a local, national and global level; […]
Early Childhood Development – Hybrid Value Chain
There’s a significant growth in the body of research and policy work on early childhood development in low- and middle-income countries over the last decade, but most of it is exclusively focused on identifying what is best for young children, without taking into account unintended and positive impacts on mothers (or fathers, or older children). […]
Report Card on Countries Readiness (Innovative Finance to Scale)
Innovative finance readiness reflects a country’s capacity to (1) plan for, (2) access, and (3) deliver innovative finance solutions to scale, as well as (4) monitor and report on impact. Over the past 12 years, ThBC.lab has been promoting the need for Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs) to work on the fundamentals that will […]
Nutrition & Food Security (System change is primordial)
Food systems are changing, with growing reliance in many regions on inefficient supply chains and large-scale distribution systems that are both meeting and fueling changes in food demand and dietary preferences. While improving efficiency, the changing nature of food systems also creates new challenges and concerns regarding the high calorie and low nutritional value of […]
First Nation & Indigenous Populations (Inclusive Trade)
Autonomy for ethnic communities is crucial and important for sustainable economic development. Obtaining a voice through social leadership has been extremely challenging for ethnic communities in Colombia considering the violent crimes committed against them. More than 200 of our social leaders have been killed since the signing of the Peace Accord between the FARC and […]
Healthcare & Social Determinants of Health (From Reactive to Proactive)
Health starts in our homes, schools, workplaces, neighborhoods, and communities. We know that taking care of ourselves by eating well and staying active, not smoking, getting the recommended immunizations and screening tests, and seeing a doctor when we are sick all influence our health. Our health is also determined in part by access to social […]
Innovative Finance is not sexy
This might sound counter intuitive. Why would I want to imply that Innovative Finance is boring? Clearly my objective should be the opposite. Perhaps it is my intend to go beyond the hype that is surrounding Innovative Finance. On the surface Innovative Finance has been made very attractive by all the buzzwords we are throwing […]
Colombia’s problems are not unique, the context is. At first glance Colombia is doing great. In 2016 the Colombian government signed a historic peace agreement with the FARC, the country’s biggest guerrilla movement, to end the continent’s longest war of more than 50 years. Earlier this year Colombia joined the OECD as a full member […]
Innovative Finance vs. Impact Investment
The main differences This is a question I get a lot. For the uninitiated to the impact jargon, it all sounds more of the same. If the finance world has been very good at something, it is the repackaging and rebranding of financial products. So it is no coincidence that the general public has become […]
Innovative Finance Framework
Finding Our Why 2020 is the year during which numerous organizations (ie. UN, EU, UNFCCC, ) are taking stock on their work over the past decade and planning the final decade towards 2030. Although many actors in Government, Private Sector, Civil Society have set specific targets for the 2030’s, it is still highly uncertain if […]